Thursday, July 26, 2007

OULibrariesLearn Sandbox

Ok, I went to play in the sandbox like we were supposed to . So I followed the directions and entered my blog into the favorite blogs page. Then I decided to try and enter a picture on the Library Pictures page since I had some, so when I did that, the other two that were on there disappeared! Sorry, I didn't mean to do it! So I think I figured out what I did wrong and I put the pictures back, only the original comments are missing.

Wiki Wiki

After exploring some of the Wikis I can see where these can be very useful. On the SJCPL Wiki which is a subject guide, I particularly liked how they added links to information about local organizations and/or places that had something to do with the subject you were looking at. On the Booklovers Wiki I enjoyed reading some of the book reviews. The Library Success Wiki is especially nice . It allows librarians all over the world to input info about newly developed programs and innovative things with new technology. There are also online tutorials. I can see where Wikis can be extremely helpful in a library setting.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Away from icebergs and into a new world

It is my opinion that our library has taken a big step away from the icebergs and opened a great new door into cyberspace with library 2.0 and web 2.0. The use of this tool is going to help us keep an edge on the new technologies created to help us master the web. I for one would probably never ventured into a lot of this if this opportunity had not been offered to us.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007


Technorati could be a useful tool for those who do a lot of searching, but personally I don't. I did check out their site though in cluding the "most popular" page which was interesting. The "oulibraries" tag brought up a lot of photos, blog posts and such by people in the library. This was interesting also.

Using Delicious is a super easy way to add and organize bookmarks. It also makes it possible for you to access your bookmarks from any computer. I think I will have to play with this one a lot more to see how useful it can be to me.

Friday, July 20, 2007


On Rollyo I found some search engines that look interesting. There is an e-book search engine that might be useful once I get an MP3 because then I could download and listen to books on it! Another one I liked was "Ask Mr. Fix It". I did not try to create my own yet, as I do not frequently search for things, but it would be very useful to someone who does a lot of searching.

My LibraryThing

Most of the books I have are not novels. There are mostly gardening books, craft books, and cookbooks. I don't seem to have much time for sitting down and actually reading a book, but I do take advantage of the "Books on Tape" and more recently "Books on CD". This is because I have a long commute to work everyday, and therefore 40 minutes each way to "read" a book. Even though Alden has some of these, the best selection in town is at the Athens public library. I did set up an account with LibraryThing and catalogue a few of my books. It would be very time comsuming to catalogue all of them as I have two full bookcases at home. For a sample of my books you can go to

Thursday, July 19, 2007


This is my first attempt at using a generator. This photo is of my daughter's children last August when Elizabeth was born. Her big brothers are Nicholas (left) who will soon be 6 and Jacob who is now 16. Elizabeth is the baby, of course. It is hard to believe she will soon be one year old. I think this is so cool! Don't you think it really looks like someone sketched them? This was created by a generator at If you get a chance, go to this site and try some of their fun generators. There are a lot of fun things you can do with photos. Here is the link specific for the sketch generator.

RSS Feeds Post

Ok, so I checked out the RSS Feeds and went to bloglines and set up an account (another password to remember). I don't think this would be useful in my job, but I can see where it would be for others in the library. On the other hand, I think it could be a useful tool to follow blogs by my children, grandchildren and some of my nieces. Since I don't see a lot of them very often, this could be a way to keep up on what they are doing. It also could be useful to follow blogs that catch my interest, and I did add a couple of feeds about gardening to see what they are like.